There is a song from the late 1980s by David Wilcox called “Leave It Like It Is.” song is about a jar of blue paint that falls off a kitchen table and breaks. In the splattered mess, the homeowner sees beauty. Instead of cleaning up the spill, the paint is left to dry. What was an accident becomes appreciated as artwork on the kitchen floor. Unintentional as it was, the mistake enhanced the room.
How often do we try to improve things when they’re great, just like they are? Not everything needs to be improved, changed, or corrected. In striving to make things perfect, we miss seeing the beauty of life as it is. The more we relinquish the habit of improving things, the more we can practice acceptance. Just because something can be better doesn’t mean it is wrong as is. Recognizing which situations to leave as is, allows us to focus on where a change in life will be most beneficial. When we can “leave it like it is,” we can sit back and enjoy reality with less need for perfection and more room for gratitude.
Let the blue-splattered paint dry, and be grateful for the incredible beauty in your life. Learn when to leave it like it is.