a high flying American flag

Land of the Free

Living in Northern Colorado means that every now and then my family has reason to drive through Wyoming. Often when we do so it’s at noon. Usually, I wouldn’t take notice of something so trivial. The reason I’m aware is because at noon in Wyoming the National Anthem plays. No matter the day, location, or…

Happy Father's Day yellow background with silhouette of a father and child holding hands

A Good Father

To be a father is an honor. Good fathers are men who choose to live up to the title. They are men willing to care for and do right by a child. His actions and words come from a place of love. Space is carved out of a father’s heart and time out of his…

a weed pulled from root to tip

Root to Tip

Ridding a garden of weeds is a never ending task. Removing them before they get too big or out of control is important. Mowing over weeds blends them in but doesn’t stop their growth. The best way to mitigate weeds is to remove them from root to tip, especially before they establish themselves. When left…