four grown wild flowers

A Year of Growth

Monumental events leave a lasting impression. Some years roll over into one another with no distinct variation. You go through the motions without noteworthy happenings. Other years go down in the books for being extraordinarily eventful. The past twelve months have been of the eventful kind for my family. There have been plenty of blessings…

The Luckiest Unlucky People

Most people equate luck to winning the lottery or something similar. However, due to several experiences, my family’s take on luck is different. We call it the Lottery of Blessings. It’s hard for us to believe in bad luck when we feel like the luckiest, unlucky people in the world. I’ll explain.   Years ago, I…

Photos of goslings

Animal Babies

Spring has announced its arrival. If you don’t stop and admire, you’ll miss the awesomeness of the season. In addition to the lawns turning green, flowers bursting, and trees budding, animal babies are starting to appear. These fluffy bundles are a marvel to watch as they rapidly learn their way of life. Before their fluff…

Fisherman on a boat

The Fisherman

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman. He was very successful at fishing but wondered if there was more to life than what the sea had to offer him. He wanted to know of his happiness in advance. The next time he was in port, he visited a fortune teller. The fortune teller waved…

hands clenching dirt

Waste Not Want Not

Let’s take a page from the book of any Native American tribe’s philosophy and learn from their example of waste not, want not. Indigenous peoples hold Mother Earth in high regard, one that more people can benefit from learning. Believing that all living things have a soul, respect, and honor were bestowed on all things…

Jar of Hearts

Jar of Hearts

On a shelf above my desk sits a jar of hearts. I have collected these hearts of different sizes, colors, and materials for many years. My collection has been accumulated from places around the world. Each heart represents a person, place, or memory. Some were shaped by the hands of artists. Nature is responsible for…

colorful cornucopia

Life as a Cornucopia

Cornucopias are always depicted as overflowing with a colorful bounty of goods spilling out of their container. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries spread across the table. A cornucopia is a symbol of Thanksgiving, an icon of appreciation that often gets overlooked. As you sit around your table this holiday, sharing what you’re thankful for, think…

A beach traveled suitcase

Sand in a Suitcase

Have you ever noticed sand in your suitcase? No matter how much you brush it off, leftover bits of travel hitchhike their way into luggage only to be found later. Blessings are much like granules of sand in a suitcase. They are tucked into the folds of life and discovered in the most unexpected places…