Drawing of a girl daydreaming

Dreaming of What’s Next

Fantasizing about what life will be like as grown-ups is part of childhood. Children’s imaginations continually bloom with thoughts of careers, houses, spouses, and the possibility of children. They paint colorful pictures of what their lives will be like. They dream, without abandon, about their futures. With time and maturity, those dreams, or variations of…

Grace to Ourselves

Many will agree that mothers are notorious for endlessly giving to others. What we’re not guilty of giving is enough grace to ourselves. As mothers, the needs of everyone around us come first.  We put ourselves much further down the list. Our happiness is directly influenced by that of our family. The happier the people in…

Lose the “UN”

Many words begin with the prefix “un.” Those two letters at the beginning of a word usually carry a negative connotation. Think about it. The words uncomfortable, uninspiring, and undone don’t hint at positivity. Most words that start with “un” come into play when change occurs. Change is a constant, which means we face a…

Having grit is living one strong, brave, determined day at a time.

Recipe for Grit

It takes grit to make it through life. Grit is more than an idea. It’s a practice that can be applied every day, especially the tough ones. Once you know the recipe for grit, there’s nothing you can’t handle. Grit has many ingredients, but there are four main components: God, Resilience, Integrity, & Toughness. The…

Tub drain

Turd in the Tub

When my daughter was about three years old, she pooped in the bathtub. You read that right, she left a turd in the tub. I seized the opportunity to make the moment a teachable one. She knew better but had done it anyway. On discovering the gift as the water drained, I asked her why…

A house extremely decorated for the holidays

Your Crazy is Showing

Not long ago, my friend gave me a greeting card. The card reads, “Your crazy is showing… you may want to tuck that sh*t back in. The inside inscription continues, “Or not…depends on what look you’re going for. Holidays have nothing to do with the card, but I can’t help thinking of them when I…

a nearly full cookie jar

Fill the Cookie Jar

Lifting the lid off a cookie jar only to discover nothing more than crumbs is disappointing. We expect the good stuff that was there the day before to still be there. No one reaches into a cookie jar in hopes of coming out empty-handed. So, whose job is it to fill the cookie jar? Does…