Outside Our Comfort Zones

Snails and humans are vastly different from one another but there are a couple of key similarities. For starters both species have comfort zones. These are the places or situations that we feel the most at ease within the boundaries of. For snails their comfort zone is their exterior shell. Human comfort zones are more…

Measuring Up

So many people are constantly in search of measuring up. Rather than finding satisfaction in what they already have, they look for validation outside of themselves. They compare their lives, jobs, possessions, to others. The behavior of comparing creates a felling of inadequacy. Suddenly, nothing is enough. Houses are too small, trips are not exotic…

How Much A Heart Can Hold

Zelda Fitzgerald said, “No one has ever measured, even poets how much a heart can hold.” I think Zelda was talking about a mother’s heart, specifically. A mother is the person who’s heart can endure just about anything for her child. If it weren’t for mothers none of us would be here. It takes more…