Welcome back to the Pink Elephants Blog! This year’s content is sure to keep providing and challenging you with different lenses through which to view life. Changing perspectives of how we think about things is like going to the eye doctor. I’ll hold up the lenses, but you identify what feels good to you. Prescriptions need to change in order to come into focus again. Your prescription is individualized for you by your direction. Taking a look at ourselves through the clearest lens, both up close and from afar, is an essential way to ensure we’re solid in our thinking and are pleased with what we see.
Having equally reliable functions of near and far-sightedness gives you the ability to look inward at yourself and outward at what surrounds you. A microscope and near-sightedness are as similar to one another as a telescope and far-sightedness. Both devices are necessary to see the intricacy and vastness of the changing world. Change is inevitable, but we all have the choice to change or not. We can stake claim to where we stand on everything, or we can choose to look at life through a different lens. Adopting or even just trying new ways of looking at things is personal progress.
Personal changes are what we focus on with New Year’s Resolutions. It’s the time of year that we commit to being a better version of ourselves. If we start by changing how we look at resolutions, we will understand that we don’t need to box ourselves into lofty improvements. A little tweak here and there will bring things into focus and give you a healthier vision yourself.
Let’s clean our lenses, don our glasses, and witness this beautiful life before us.