So many people are constantly in search of measuring up. Rather than finding satisfaction in what they already have, they look for validation outside of themselves. They compare their lives, jobs, possessions, to others. The behavior of comparing creates a felling of inadequacy. Suddenly, nothing is enough. Houses are too small, trips are not exotic enough, cars and clothes could be better. This negative thinking turns inward, and starts attacking the person. Self-talk becomes a one-sided conversation of not being smart enough, good-looking enough, successful enough. They feel as though they fall short in every aspect of life. This internal dialog becomes a negative mantra, and an unhealthy view of self. Changing the internal conversation and focus from personal deficits and deficiencies to personal praise and gratitude can make a huge difference in one’s outlook.
We don’t need to measure up to anyone else. There is no measuring stick other than the one you impose on yourself. When you stand against the stick, do so knowing you will always fall short, because you are appointing yourself as the judge and the jury. A healthy perspective of self starts with gratitude for what you have. Recognizing and being thankful for the blessings in YOUR life fills you with an abundance that can’t be measured. Wanting more is a human trait that works well in propelling us forward. Being aware of the difference between getting what we want and receiving what we need is where improvement can be made. People should delight in their uniqueness, not punish themselves for their differences.
Many need to see to believe. If you want to “see” how blessed you are, you often have to look with more than your eyes. Removing the measuring stick is a good way to start. Start looking inward instead of upward, eventually you’ll discover you are enough.