Fisherman on a boat

The Fisherman

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman. He was very successful at fishing but wondered if there was more to life than what the sea had to offer him. He wanted to know of his happiness in advance. The next time he was in port, he visited a fortune teller. The fortune teller waved…

hands clenching dirt

Waste Not Want Not

Let’s take a page from the book of any Native American tribe’s philosophy and learn from their example of waste not, want not. Indigenous peoples hold Mother Earth in high regard, one that more people can benefit from learning. Believing that all living things have a soul, respect, and honor were bestowed on all things…

Nobody has to like your self portrait, but you

I Just Don’t Get It

Art museums display weird, shocking, pleasing, and beautiful works. The mediums and messages from one piece to the next vary, even among works from the same artist. Viewers are attracted to what is familiar and understandable. Works that speak to a person stay with them. Pieces that the “I just don’t get it” factor is…

Lose the “UN”

Many words begin with the prefix “un.” Those two letters at the beginning of a word usually carry a negative connotation. Think about it. The words uncomfortable, uninspiring, and undone don’t hint at positivity. Most words that start with “un” come into play when change occurs. Change is a constant, which means we face a…

Will and Way

Will and Way

I’m sure you’ve met them, but I want to introduce you to my friends, Will and Way. I met them years ago. They met at the beginning of time. Perhaps they crossed paths at the intersection of Possibility and Solution. It’s a place where they are still commonly found. They took an immediate liking to…

Having grit is living one strong, brave, determined day at a time.

Recipe for Grit

It takes grit to make it through life. Grit is more than an idea. It’s a practice that can be applied every day, especially the tough ones. Once you know the recipe for grit, there’s nothing you can’t handle. Grit has many ingredients, but there are four main components: God, Resilience, Integrity, & Toughness. The…

Phases of the moon

The Full Moon

Each month, a full moon hangs in the night sky. To most, this monthly occurrence isn’t noteworthy. Moons wax and wane without much acknowledgment. At our house, that isn’t the case. Not a month goes by without noticing the full moon. My father makes sure of it. Years ago, when my daughters were little, their…

Jar of Hearts

Jar of Hearts

On a shelf above my desk sits a jar of hearts. I have collected these hearts of different sizes, colors, and materials for many years. My collection has been accumulated from places around the world. Each heart represents a person, place, or memory. Some were shaped by the hands of artists. Nature is responsible for…