Santa Suit hanging

The Holiday Hangover

I think it’s safe to say we’re all feeling the holiday hangover. I don’t even mean the overindulgence of cocktails. I’m talking specifically about the emotional and physical toll of the holidays. As exciting as the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is I’m always ready for it to be over. It’s time to…

Downhill skier in powder

Gone Skiing

This week I’m taking a break from blogging to break in my ski legs. For those of you looking forward to my mental meanderings, I assure you I’ll be back next week. If by chance you’re disappointed that there’s nothing to see today, I encourage you to review any previous posts you may have missed.…

half glass of milk

Half Full or Half Empty

Viewing life as a glass half full or a glass half empty seems to be a limiting approach in my opinion. The options are left to nothing more than a positive or negative outlook when really there are other perspectives to consider. Instead of assigning negative connotation to a glass half empty, I choose to…

Sidewalk chalk drawing of a heart with the word Thankful

Thank You

I’m taking this opportunity to say “Thank You” to you. Thank you for your friendship, support, and love. Every blog enjoyed, page read, or social media post liked is appreciated more than I can express. The enthusiasm I’ve received for my writing has been touching in so many ways. Book reviews and invitations to speak…

wrapped Christmas presents

Differently This Year

Alcoholics Anonymous defines insanity as “doing the same thing and expecting different results.” You don’t have to be in the program to see the logic of the statement. The concept is pretty simple, yet people (myself included) continue to behave insanely around the holidays. Cooking, cleaning, present wrapping, and people pleasing is exhausting. Come January,…

A variety of fall leaves

Value in the Variety

This fall in Colorado has been unlike any I can remember despite being a native of the state. The variety of vibrant colors of the leaves and the length of time they hung around has been breath taking. Autumn this year has been more like those on the East coast. Colorado finally lived up to…

A toothless smile

Happy Teeth

When I was in high school a friend from Spain came to visit for the summer. Her English was very good but she couldn’t remember the word, smile. Whenever the word escaped her she filled in as best she could and substituted the words “happy teeth” instead. I have never forgotten the phrase. At times…