Starting anew quote

Anticipation Is

My daughter and I have just returned from her college orientation. The time to spread her wings is coming, but not until September. In the meantime, anticipation is settling in for both of us. Emotions bound to engulf us are on the horizon. That far-off feeling of excitement or the looming thought of dread is…

Rendering of Possibilities Playground

Childhood Right of Passage

Playgrounds are a childhood right of passage. My childhood would’ve been incomplete if it weren’t for park playgrounds. Parenting my daughters would’ve been very different without playgrounds for entertainment. They provide an outlet for socialization and physical exploration. Imaginations soar, and clouds are within reach when kids go as high as possible on the swings.…


Not A Kid Anymore

Walking passed an elementary school the other day, I overheard part of a conversation between two young girls. Matter of factly, the first girl said, “I’m not a kid anymore. My childhood is over.” To which her friend replied, “No, it’s not! You still have three more years!” I’m guessing the girls were wrapping up…

Graduation caps being tossed into the air

Changes For Everyone

New parents wonder how they’re going to survive keeping a child alive. They blink, and before they know it, graduation caps are being tossed into the air. Those same parents then wonder how they will survive without their child. Graduations bring changes for everyone, graduates, families, and parents alike. Previous chapters of life are closing.…

Blue splattered paint

Leave It Like It Is

There is a song from the late 1980s by David Wilcox called “Leave It Like It Is.” song is about a jar of blue paint that falls off a kitchen table and breaks. In the splattered mess, the homeowner sees beauty. Instead of cleaning up the spill, the paint is left to dry. What…

Many Hats of Motherhood

Many Hats of Motherhood

There’s no end to the many hats of motherhood. Mothers must be part chameleons or magicians. How else could we change our demeanor or adapt to the needs of others so quickly? Superman at least had a phone booth to change in. Moms have to switch gears on the fly. One minute the police cap…