A monster under the bed

Monsters Under the Bed

Do you remember laying in bed, frozen with fear as your imagination conjured up monsters under the bed? It didn’t matter that you couldn’t actually see the monster. The creature was as real as your hand, and threatened to grab hold of you at any moment. Falling asleep became practically impossible. Setting foot on the…

Lucy the Golden Doodle and Twix the Tabby cat

Unlikely Companions

Lucy the Golden Doodle puppy, and Twix the rescue kitten are the newest additions to my brother’s family. At first glance one might think them to be unlikely companions. In reality, they’re best buddies. Their jest and banter, acceptance and affection for one another are examples from which humans could benefit. No one taught them…

Silver sculpture of ears

I’m Not Theo

I’ve been volunteering in my friend’s first grade classroom. At times the group of six and seven year old’s can get a little too rambunctious. On one such occasion I interjected, “T.O., T.O.” and made a “T” with my hands. Not wanting to continue until all of the kids were quiet I repeated myself. In…


Nothing More Than Doodles

Pinned to my office bulletin board are several of my daughter’s drawings. To Emily they’re nothing more than doodles whipped out during math or English class. To me, they’re treasures of her artistic talent. Had I not stumbled across them laying about the house she would’ve tossed them into the trash without another thought. It…

a pair of mating grasshoppers

A Grumpy Grasshopper

The other day my four-year-old neighbor approached me with an outstretched hand. On her palm lay a large, listless grasshopper. Lucy said, “Look what I have. It’s a grasshopper. I pulled it off another grasshopper. They were stuck together!” To which her mom replied with raised eyebrows, “Now you have a grumpy grasshopper.” Little did…

mountain sunset with the word Grace in the sky

No Better Gift

Recently, I was asked what I think it means to have grace. My answer was that grace and kindness are much the same. Both are gifts and there is no better gift than being kind. Having grace is a means to obtaining peace. The more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me…