Elderly hands holding an hourglass

How Much Longer

How is it that the older one gets, the faster time passes? When you’re a kid, time moves at a snail’s pace. Waiting for summer or your next birthday seems to take forever. The words, “How much longer?” escape the lips of every child. “Faster! Faster! Hurry up!” is the mantra of youth. Before you…

four grown wild flowers

A Year of Growth

Monumental events leave a lasting impression. Some years roll over into one another with no distinct variation. You go through the motions without noteworthy happenings. Other years go down in the books for being extraordinarily eventful. The past twelve months have been of the eventful kind for my family. There have been plenty of blessings…

Nobody has to like your self portrait, but you

I Just Don’t Get It

Art museums display weird, shocking, pleasing, and beautiful works. The mediums and messages from one piece to the next vary, even among works from the same artist. Viewers are attracted to what is familiar and understandable. Works that speak to a person stay with them. Pieces that the “I just don’t get it” factor is…

Will and Way

Will and Way

I’m sure you’ve met them, but I want to introduce you to my friends, Will and Way. I met them years ago. They met at the beginning of time. Perhaps they crossed paths at the intersection of Possibility and Solution. It’s a place where they are still commonly found. They took an immediate liking to…

Phases of the moon

The Full Moon

Each month, a full moon hangs in the night sky. To most, this monthly occurrence isn’t noteworthy. Moons wax and wane without much acknowledgment. At our house, that isn’t the case. Not a month goes by without noticing the full moon. My father makes sure of it. Years ago, when my daughters were little, their…

ABCs of 2023

Learning our ABCs is the beginning of learning how to communicate. They are the foundational building blocks upon which languages are built. Once the alphabet is committed to memory, one can never unlearn it. When letters are combined, they hold meaning. Acceptance, Boundaries, and Communication were the ABCs of 2023 for me. Combining these life…

A house extremely decorated for the holidays

Your Crazy is Showing

Not long ago, my friend gave me a greeting card. The card reads, “Your crazy is showing… you may want to tuck that sh*t back in. The inside inscription continues, “Or not…depends on what look you’re going for. Holidays have nothing to do with the card, but I can’t help thinking of them when I…