Back In the Saddle

I’m not an experienced horse rider, but I have had the opportunity to ride horseback. Riding a horse is as unpredictable as waking up each day. You never know what’s in store. On more than one occasion, I’ve found myself in precisely the opposite position of where a rider should be. As the saying goes,…

Rules of Civility

How many times have you said or heard, “Things aren’t like they used to be” or “My how times have changed?” These are common sentiments that aren’t untrue. Life has and will continue to change, but certain principles would serve society well if we maintained them. Young George Washington had the right idea when he…

Through A Different Lens

Through A Different Lens

Welcome back to the Pink Elephants Blog! This year’s content is sure to keep providing and challenging you with different lenses through which to view life. Changing perspectives of how we think about things is like going to the eye doctor. I’ll hold up the lenses, but you identify what feels good to you. Prescriptions…

Tone of Voice

Tone of voice is to words what a visual impression is to sight. It’s an underestimated aspect of communication. Whether written or spoken, tone of voice reveals itself. A message can take on a very different meaning depending on the tone of the delivery. Emotions are conveyed, and moods are influenced by how something is…

Pink Elephants Playlist

This week, I’m going to share the words of others in a short Pink Elephants playlist: Pink Elephants Playlist Everyone can benefit from the words of some very talented musicians. Please know that the songs selected do not reflect the political views or opinions of the musicians themselves. I have no idea how they cast their…

Bitter or Better

Exercising is important to me. Training and being physically prepared for whatever adventure comes my way is why I work out. I run now and then because it’s good for me, but running isn’t my thing. Long or short, the distance doesn’t matter. I can be bitter or better, but I’m always ready for it…