hands clenching dirt

Waste Not Want Not

Let’s take a page from the book of any Native American tribe’s philosophy and learn from their example of waste not, want not. Indigenous peoples hold Mother Earth in high regard, one that more people can benefit from learning. Believing that all living things have a soul, respect, and honor were bestowed on all things…

Flight attendant demonstrating how to use an oxygen mack

Affix Your Oxygen Mask First

Safety instructions offered by flight attendants before take-off are, for the most part, ignored. Their words are heard but not really listened to. The directions are to “Affix your oxygen mask first, before helping others. Even if the mask does not inflate, air is flowing.” Thankfully, most of us haven’t had to heed the warning,…

Donate Life Month

Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month, and National Pediatric Transplant Week is April 23-29, 2023. Donate Life is the national registry for matching organ, eye, and tissue donors and recipients. The Be The Match organization pairs bone marrow transplant recipients with non-related donors worldwide. As a parent of both a bone marrow transplant recipient and…

A variety of fall leaves

Value in the Variety

This fall in Colorado has been unlike any I can remember despite being a native of the state. The variety of vibrant colors of the leaves and the length of time they hung around has been breath taking. Autumn this year has been more like those on the East coast. Colorado finally lived up to…

A stock image of a chart that measures neurological brain waves called an EEG

Completely Selfless

Not many people are willing to put the needs of others before their own, but my friend Angela is that kind of person. In the past year she has endured significant health complications due to a combination of multiple sclerosis and covid. She’s been in and out of the hospital for lengthy stays, but that…