Rules of Civility

How many times have you said or heard, “Things aren’t like they used to be” or “My how times have changed?” These are common sentiments that aren’t untrue. Life has and will continue to change, but certain principles would serve society well if we maintained them. Young George Washington had the right idea when he…

hands clenching dirt

Waste Not Want Not

Let’s take a page from the book of any Native American tribe’s philosophy and learn from their example of waste not, want not. Indigenous peoples hold Mother Earth in high regard, one that more people can benefit from learning. Believing that all living things have a soul, respect, and honor were bestowed on all things…

Tub drain

Turd in the Tub

When my daughter was about three years old, she pooped in the bathtub. You read that right, she left a turd in the tub. I seized the opportunity to make the moment a teachable one. She knew better but had done it anyway. On discovering the gift as the water drained, I asked her why…