Pink Elephants Playlist

This week, I’m going to share the words of others in a short Pink Elephants playlist: Pink Elephants Playlist Everyone can benefit from the words of some very talented musicians. Please know that the songs selected do not reflect the political views or opinions of the musicians themselves. I have no idea how they cast their…

Silver linings are always there you just have to look up!

Look Up

Life doesn’t always make sense, especially as it’s unfolding. We might never know “why” things happen, but if we can find acceptance, we can make sense of life’s hard knocks. There are silver linings if we are willing to look up. Last fall kicked off a series of events that left my family reeling. Challenges…

Bitter or Better

Exercising is important to me. Training and being physically prepared for whatever adventure comes my way is why I work out. I run now and then because it’s good for me, but running isn’t my thing. Long or short, the distance doesn’t matter. I can be bitter or better, but I’m always ready for it…

Junior Senior TP Wars

All In Good Fun

The Junior-Senior T.P. Wars are a part of the Homecoming traditions at my daughter’s high school. Every evening during homecoming week, the 11th and 12th graders hit many of the opposing classmate’s houses. Hundreds of toilet paper rolls are tossed into trees, wrapped around plants and furniture, torn into tiny bits, and strewn across the…