
Not A Kid Anymore

Walking passed an elementary school the other day, I overheard part of a conversation between two young girls. Matter of factly, the first girl said, “I’m not a kid anymore. My childhood is over.” To which her friend replied, “No, it’s not! You still have three more years!” I’m guessing the girls were wrapping up…

Blue splattered paint

Leave It Like It Is

There is a song from the late 1980s by David Wilcox called “Leave It Like It Is.” song is about a jar of blue paint that falls off a kitchen table and breaks. In the splattered mess, the homeowner sees beauty. Instead of cleaning up the spill, the paint is left to dry. What…

Many Hats of Motherhood

Many Hats of Motherhood

There’s no end to the many hats of motherhood. Mothers must be part chameleons or magicians. How else could we change our demeanor or adapt to the needs of others so quickly? Superman at least had a phone booth to change in. Moms have to switch gears on the fly. One minute the police cap…

Brass ring carousel

The Brass Ring

“The brass ring only comes around once” is a saying I’ve always loved. The phrase was designed to attract people to ride carousels long ago. The explanation is simple. Ride the carousel, reach for a ring, and if you’re lucky enough to get the brass ring, you receive your next ride for free. I love…


A Tree-Hugging Hippy

Hip-hip Hooray! This Saturday, April 22nd, is Earth Day. I don’t think of myself as a tree-hugging hippy, but I value the Earth and its natural resources. Earth Day reminds us of our planet’s importance and that we must take care of it. The actions of humans are the cause of environmental issues. We are…

Spring Breakers in search of a Chuckwalla

In Search of a Chuckwalla

Over Spring Break, my daughter’s friends decided to take a road trip. They were in search of a chuckwalla. With little money and an equal amount of thought or planning, the group went off to tent camp in the desert. Mesquite, Nevada, was their destination, and finding a chuckwalla was their mission. Why there, and…

Fish seen snorkeling

Snorkeling Through Life

Snorkeling in the ocean fascinates me, not just the visual beauty of marine life, but the whole experience. In the underwater world there is a vibrancy that comes to life. There is so much to experience right below the surface without having to dive deep. Living with as much awe out of the ocean as…

A monster under the bed

Monsters Under the Bed

Do you remember laying in bed, frozen with fear as your imagination conjured up monsters under the bed? It didn’t matter that you couldn’t actually see the monster. The creature was as real as your hand, and threatened to grab hold of you at any moment. Falling asleep became practically impossible. Setting foot on the…

Hazards Exist ski sign

Hazards Exist

“Hazards Exist” signs warn of obstacles on ski runs, but life is no different with its unforeseeable challenges. The “Hazards Exist” signs make me laugh to be honest. As though posting a sign at the top of a mountain will prevent skiers from attempting to ski down the mountain. Of course they’re hidden obstacles! Challenges…