old country road mailboxes

In the Mail

Technology is great, but one thing that can’t be improved upon is a good, old-fashioned note. Remember the excitement you felt as a kid when something just for you came in the mail? It could be junk mail, but it had your name on it, indicating it was meant for only you. Eventually, seeing your…

Baseball teammates hive-fiving each other

Emotional Enemies

Gratitude and guilt are emotional enemies. So are joy and jealousy. These emotional enemies make playing the game of life difficult to enjoy. They are competitors of one another. These conflicting feelings show up when people who know each other want the same thing, but only one receives it. Take friends applying for the same…

neatly folded laundry

Permission to be Human

Life hits you when you least expect it to. Holding it all together during those times is challenging. When emotional challenges overwhelm me, I’m learning to give myself permission to be human. Easier said than done, for sure. Being human means having unwanted emotions and not knowing what to do with them. Sometimes so many…

Young boy throwing a tempertantrum

Just Give It To Me

The delayed flight from Denver to Boston made all the passengers impatient for take-off. Everyone, including the pilot, was anxious to get in the air and arrive at the destination somewhat on time. There were complaints about insufficient space to put carry-on luggage, confusion with reservations, and seat assignments. The usual bitching that goes along…

Section of a one dollar bill that reads In God We Trust

Trusting It

New cars come with lots of bells and whistles. Drivers have options to put more and more control in the vehicle itself. Cameras and sensors aid in parking and changing lanes. With the press of a button, cruise control monitors your speed, and can now apply the brakes. As the driver, trusting it is scary.…

Characters from the Wizard of Oz

Dorothy Said It Best

Traveling is great, and I’m blessed to do a good deal of it, but I always look forward to coming home. Dorothy said it best when she clicked her red ruby slippers together and repeated, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” She was right. The young girl from Kansas was in…