Young boy throwing a tempertantrum

Just Give It To Me

The delayed flight from Denver to Boston made all the passengers impatient for take-off. Everyone, including the pilot, was anxious to get in the air and arrive at the destination somewhat on time. There were complaints about insufficient space to put carry-on luggage, confusion with reservations, and seat assignments. The usual bitching that goes along…

half glass of milk

Half Full or Half Empty

Viewing life as a glass half full or a glass half empty seems to be a limiting approach in my opinion. The options are left to nothing more than a positive or negative outlook when really there are other perspectives to consider. Instead of assigning negative connotation to a glass half empty, I choose to…

Field of beautiful wild flowers

Beautiful At Every Stage

Flowers fascinate me. They are beautiful at every stage of their life. What seems fragile is remarkably strong. It’s amazing how blossoms know when to emerge and when to retreat. Flowers patiently sit below the surface waiting for the right time to appear. As they wait they gather their strength to push through the tough…

More Like a Moose

During a recent drive through the mountains, I spotted two large moose standing in a field. I pulled over to watch them for a moment. At first sight they appeared awkward with their long, skinny, knobby legs on top of which sits a body that seems disproportionately large. I reminded myself that their oddities are…