Worth Looking Up To

Ask any child, and they’ll happily reveal who their hero is. Not surprising are the superpowers possessed and capes worn by childhood heroes. To a child, a hero is someone almost other-worldly. The notion that someone worth looking up to can be a regular person is a foreign concept to children. When a sliver of…

Rules of Civility

How many times have you said or heard, “Things aren’t like they used to be” or “My how times have changed?” These are common sentiments that aren’t untrue. Life has and will continue to change, but certain principles would serve society well if we maintained them. Young George Washington had the right idea when he…

Tone of Voice

Tone of voice is to words what a visual impression is to sight. It’s an underestimated aspect of communication. Whether written or spoken, tone of voice reveals itself. A message can take on a very different meaning depending on the tone of the delivery. Emotions are conveyed, and moods are influenced by how something is…

Pink Elephants Playlist

This week, I’m going to share the words of others in a short Pink Elephants playlist: Pink Elephants Playlist Everyone can benefit from the words of some very talented musicians. Please know that the songs selected do not reflect the political views or opinions of the musicians themselves. I have no idea how they cast their…

Junior Senior TP Wars

All In Good Fun

The Junior-Senior T.P. Wars are a part of the Homecoming traditions at my daughter’s high school. Every evening during homecoming week, the 11th and 12th graders hit many of the opposing classmate’s houses. Hundreds of toilet paper rolls are tossed into trees, wrapped around plants and furniture, torn into tiny bits, and strewn across the…

two girl friends making bracelets on the front steps of a Brownstone

The People You Choose

Friends are the people you choose to surround yourself with. They are individuals that grab and hold your attention and make you curious to know more about them. Acquaintanceship is often the starting point of a friendship. Some friendships last for the time needed, and others become lifelong. The longer a friendship lasts, the more…

Four rodeo cowgirls on horseback carrying the American flag

The Rodeo’s Approach

Being in 4-H, my daughters compete in the county fair. No county fair experience is complete without a visit to the rodeo. At a time when religious opinions are openly expressed, the political climate is tense, and kindness can be hard to come by, I was pleasantly surprised by the rodeo’s approach. Before the events…