box of confectionary chocolates

Box of Chocolates

I don’t pay much attention to “pop-up holidays” as I call them, but I think this Thursday is one worth noting. Thursday is National Chocolate Day! Milk, dark, white they are all delicious if you ask me. Pop a cholate in your mouth and savor the sweetness. Forest Gump coined the sentiment, “Life is like…

Outside Our Comfort Zones

Snails and humans are vastly different from one another but there are a couple of key similarities. For starters both species have comfort zones. These are the places or situations that we feel the most at ease within the boundaries of. For snails their comfort zone is their exterior shell. Human comfort zones are more…

Every Choice We Make

In a couple of weeks, it will have been four years since I was involved in a serious car accident. Going 75mph, I was in a head-on collision with a drunk driver going the wrong direction on the interstate. He fled the horrific scene. How or why, I am alive and well is more miracle…

Earth Day IQ

Did you know that April 22nd marks the 52nd Earth Day? This is a day to enjoy our planet and consider ways to better take care of it. Beyond the obvious conserving of electricity, water and gas, what is your Earth Day IQ? What simple changes are you willing to make in order to help…