Elderly hands holding an hourglass

How Much Longer

How is it that the older one gets, the faster time passes? When you’re a kid, time moves at a snail’s pace. Waiting for summer or your next birthday seems to take forever. The words, “How much longer?” escape the lips of every child. “Faster! Faster! Hurry up!” is the mantra of youth. Before you…

Drawing of a girl daydreaming

Dreaming of What’s Next

Fantasizing about what life will be like as grown-ups is part of childhood. Children’s imaginations continually bloom with thoughts of careers, houses, spouses, and the possibility of children. They paint colorful pictures of what their lives will be like. They dream, without abandon, about their futures. With time and maturity, those dreams, or variations of…

Photos of goslings

Animal Babies

Spring has announced its arrival. If you don’t stop and admire, you’ll miss the awesomeness of the season. In addition to the lawns turning green, flowers bursting, and trees budding, animal babies are starting to appear. These fluffy bundles are a marvel to watch as they rapidly learn their way of life. Before their fluff…

hands clenching dirt

Waste Not Want Not

Let’s take a page from the book of any Native American tribe’s philosophy and learn from their example of waste not, want not. Indigenous peoples hold Mother Earth in high regard, one that more people can benefit from learning. Believing that all living things have a soul, respect, and honor were bestowed on all things…

Nobody has to like your self portrait, but you

I Just Don’t Get It

Art museums display weird, shocking, pleasing, and beautiful works. The mediums and messages from one piece to the next vary, even among works from the same artist. Viewers are attracted to what is familiar and understandable. Works that speak to a person stay with them. Pieces that the “I just don’t get it” factor is…

Lose the “UN”

Many words begin with the prefix “un.” Those two letters at the beginning of a word usually carry a negative connotation. Think about it. The words uncomfortable, uninspiring, and undone don’t hint at positivity. Most words that start with “un” come into play when change occurs. Change is a constant, which means we face a…

Tub drain

Turd in the Tub

When my daughter was about three years old, she pooped in the bathtub. You read that right, she left a turd in the tub. I seized the opportunity to make the moment a teachable one. She knew better but had done it anyway. On discovering the gift as the water drained, I asked her why…

ABCs of 2023

Learning our ABCs is the beginning of learning how to communicate. They are the foundational building blocks upon which languages are built. Once the alphabet is committed to memory, one can never unlearn it. When letters are combined, they hold meaning. Acceptance, Boundaries, and Communication were the ABCs of 2023 for me. Combining these life…