old country road mailboxes

In the Mail

Technology is great, but one thing that can’t be improved upon is a good, old-fashioned note. Remember the excitement you felt as a kid when something just for you came in the mail? It could be junk mail, but it had your name on it, indicating it was meant for only you. Eventually, seeing your…

Rendering of Possibilities Playground

Childhood Right of Passage

Playgrounds are a childhood right of passage. My childhood would’ve been incomplete if it weren’t for park playgrounds. Parenting my daughters would’ve been very different without playgrounds for entertainment. They provide an outlet for socialization and physical exploration. Imaginations soar, and clouds are within reach when kids go as high as possible on the swings.…

Silver sculpture of ears

I’m Not Theo

I’ve been volunteering in my friend’s first grade classroom. At times the group of six and seven year old’s can get a little too rambunctious. On one such occasion I interjected, “T.O., T.O.” and made a “T” with my hands. Not wanting to continue until all of the kids were quiet I repeated myself. In…

A toothless smile

Happy Teeth

When I was in high school a friend from Spain came to visit for the summer. Her English was very good but she couldn’t remember the word, smile. Whenever the word escaped her she filled in as best she could and substituted the words “happy teeth” instead. I have never forgotten the phrase. At times…