Two Humpback whales lunge feeding

Worth A Million

They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” If this is true, then a memory must be worth a million. No photograph can capture a moment as thoroughly as a memory. Memories rely on all the senses to recall a previous experience. Sound, taste, touch, and smell are left out of photos, but these…


Nothing More Than Doodles

Pinned to my office bulletin board are several of my daughter’s drawings. To Emily they’re nothing more than doodles whipped out during math or English class. To me, they’re treasures of her artistic talent. Had I not stumbled across them laying about the house she would’ve tossed them into the trash without another thought. It…

A variety of fall leaves

Value in the Variety

This fall in Colorado has been unlike any I can remember despite being a native of the state. The variety of vibrant colors of the leaves and the length of time they hung around has been breath taking. Autumn this year has been more like those on the East coast. Colorado finally lived up to…

Field of beautiful wild flowers

Beautiful At Every Stage

Flowers fascinate me. They are beautiful at every stage of their life. What seems fragile is remarkably strong. It’s amazing how blossoms know when to emerge and when to retreat. Flowers patiently sit below the surface waiting for the right time to appear. As they wait they gather their strength to push through the tough…