A stock image of a chart that measures neurological brain waves called an EEG

Completely Selfless

Not many people are willing to put the needs of others before their own, but my friend Angela is that kind of person. In the past year she has endured significant health complications due to a combination of multiple sclerosis and covid. She’s been in and out of the hospital for lengthy stays, but that…

Rolling Stone Wisdom

Life can be incredibly disappointing at times. People work hard for what they think they deserve only to be left wanting more. The want for more money, more accolades, more opportunities, or more breaks is never ending. Wanting more isn’t a bad thing as long as some “Rolling Stone Wisdom” is applied to situations. The…

a high flying American flag

Land of the Free

Living in Northern Colorado means that every now and then my family has reason to drive through Wyoming. Often when we do so it’s at noon. Usually, I wouldn’t take notice of something so trivial. The reason I’m aware is because at noon in Wyoming the National Anthem plays. No matter the day, location, or…